
Navigation Joystick Controller Repair (2004+ REC nav radio)

Navigation Joystick Controller Repair (2004+ REC nav radio)

Navigation Joystick Controller Repair (2004+ REC nav radio)
by Craig Wirtz
Date Added: Tuesday 23 November, 2010

Received my reapaired joystick last week and it worked well. The only issue I had is when I reinstalled face onto the radio, the joystick housing is a bit thicker than the original...so when the face was re-attached, the buttons above and below the joystick didn't work due to the gap between the button on the face and the button on the circuit board...so I used a Dremel and reduced the thickness of the plastic piece on the face so that the joystick housing would recess a bit into the face and the buttons worked fine.

Happy as heck to have a the nav working again and I could actually reset the clock!

Well done!

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]