
RSX 2005+ CD6 cassette BOSE radio 1TJ3 A60 NEW

RSX 2005+ CD6 cassette BOSE radio 1TJ3 A60 NEW

RSX 2005+ CD6 cassette BOSE radio 1TJ3 A60 NEW
by Charles Stedman
Date Added: Friday 05 June, 2020

The stereo in my '06 RSX Type S crapped out just after spending over $2K in repairs and I was not happy. However, I was ecstatic when I found that I could get a brand new identical replacement stereo from Replacement Radios for a very reasonable price. And since it was identical, it was easy and inexpensive to have the old one pulled out and replaced with the brand new one. The entire process was very smooth from beginning to end. And now I'm ready to put another 100K miles on my RSX with the tunes blasting!

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]